31 October, 2005

World Series > um... News?

Apparently the new president of CBS News, Sean McManus is attributed (on Drudge) with saying:

''You have to move the White Sox to the top of the show, which is more important than all the Harriet Miers stuff.'

Sadly.... much of the public would probably agree. Such is the state of our public mindset, that the goings on in sports trumps news that would actually matter more to their lives. How many of you, who still read newspapers, reach first for the sports section (or comics followed by sports), tossing the rest aside. Be honest. In fact, I would wager that a good many folks don't even bother with the rest of the paper. The same with TV. The news comes on and click.. off to ESPN.

For the record, I am not one of those types. The sports section goes straight to the bin.


Blogger PeoriaIllinoisan said...

I think most people who would go straight to the sports section probably don't subscribe to the daily paper. Too much money and too many useless sections when you can just flip on ESPN.

I generally glance over the front page to see if there's any good local news, then read the local section. My comics come next... the editorial page.

As to your original point, and you know this of course, it's all about ratings and eyeballs.

12:40 PM  

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