22 February, 2006

Get the lead out

In the far away state of Rhode Island, a jury ruled against former makers of lead paint, in a landmark lawsuit filed by the state. The state of Rhode Island is seeking money for cleanup and lead mitigation. The state won.

Hit It (WaPo) Hit it (Reuters) How about another (Jurist)

Why does this matter? Well, according to NPR, this is the FIRST time any company that had made lead paint has been found liable. All these years (since 1978), court case after court case, has been decided in favor of the lead paint manufacturers, until earlier today. The grounds? A public nuisance !!!

Can you feel the love !!!

Perhaps Peoria ought to look into this.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi there, stumbled upon your page after googling INTP, my personality type...

several interesting notes:
your banner phrase is very similar to the one on my blog.
yours : "some things just have to be said"
mine : "The Things we Think and Do Not say"

I also commented on the google-china censorship newstory, although I think you did a much better job articulating exactly why google is doing a terrible thing.

Cheers mate, keep writing.

1:08 AM  

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