08 May, 2006

Brazil unveils nuclear enrichment plant

Brazil recently unveiled its own nuclear enrichment plant. Yes.. the same sort that Iran is using. Like Iran, Brazil also refused full inspections. The IAEA let Brazil off, being satisfied to inspect the uranium going in and the uranium coming out.

Nothing to worry tho, there is no oil in Brazil. No double standard here. Nothing to see, move along. There is a lot of Ethanol tho......


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Brazil isn't exactly a country that comes to mind when you're thinking about nations who support international terrorism. I don't recall Brazil's president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva saying another country should be wiped off the map like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinijad did last November!

Furthermore, Brazil does have oil. They've been exploring and finding oil offshore and soon will have enough for their own needs (complimentary to their own ethanol industry) and in the not too distant future, to export markets.

Enough with your bankrupt moral equivalence arguments!

8:41 PM  
Blogger Mahkno said...

So it is ok to risk proliferation via Brazil but not Iran? It is ok to risk proliferation with Pakistan, which has a clear connection to proliferation and terrorism but not Iran? It is ok to risk proliferation with India but not Iran?

I am not suggesting any apology should be put forth in defense of Iran. I merely reveal the hypocrisy of the politics, where oil is the deciding factor and not the issue at hand, proliferation. Our government seems just fine with proliferation, unless significant oil is involved.

Proliferation should be enough to earn condemnation.

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

MAHKNO: "So it is ok to risk proliferation via Brazil but not Iran? It is ok to risk proliferation with Pakistan, which has a clear connection to proliferation and terrorism but not Iran? It is ok to risk proliferation with India but not Iran?"

Brazil is developing or using nuclear power for non-military applications (part of their energy self-sufficiency) and not for nuclear weapons. They have no need for nuclear weapons (and have been able to produce them for years if they chose to do so). How dare you consider a responsible nation such as Brazil to be in the same league as Iran!

Pakistan is already a nuclear power. Touchy situation in that region. What would you do about it?

India is a responsible nation and unlike Pakistan, has been a democratic state since gaining independence from the British Empire in 1947. Cooperation with India is of strategic importance for our nation.

MAHKNO: "I am not suggesting any apology should be put forth in defense of Iran. I merely reveal the hypocrisy of the politics, where oil is the deciding factor and not the issue at hand, proliferation. Our government seems just fine with proliferation, unless significant oil is involved."

Mahkno, you're being myopic. During the last 17 years, we've intervened in places such as Panama (Bush-41), Somalia (Bush-41), Haiti (Clinton), the former Yugoslavia (Clinton) and Afghanistan (Bush-43) where no oil is to be found.

Intervention in Iraq in 1990-1991 was to prevent oil blackmail by Saddam Hussein and the 2003 invasion was (1) to enforce 17 otherwise worthless UN resolutions, (2) bring about regime change in Baghdad, (3) promote democracy in a troubled region where terrorists (Abu Nidal and Abu Abbas) had been coddled and protected by Saddam, destroy Saddam's WMD stockpiles and end his WMD programs, (5) end the failed containment of Saddam so that US forces could be withdawn from Saudi Arabia, the presence of which was one of Osama Bin Laden's gripes against us.

MAHKNO: "Proliferation should be enough to earn condemnation."

No, proliferation by terrorist states (of which Brazil is not one), should earn nothing short of regime change.

"Condemnation" is for sissies.

10:19 PM  

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