27 February, 2006

Obama in O'Eight

Barack Obama keeps denying he is interested or that he would run for higher office in 'o8 but.....

The recent issue of Chicago Magazine has an in depth article on why Barack should or should not run in '08. They also go to lengths to point out that he is doing everything right, for a run in '08 (or later). He even has some of the traditional 'national' organizations in place quietly laying foundation.

Why should he run or not?

a) Because 2016 will be too late. Waiting one's turn is not a successful strategy as history has shown.

b) The "law of 14", all past Presidents have had less than 14 years of public experience in a major office before they sought the Presidency. The longer he is in the Senate the harder it will be for him. The more votes he has to cast the more of a liability his record will become.

c) While not a reason to run per se, many Presidents have had as little foreign policy experience as Obama has upon entering office.

There is more... buy the mag. The magazine does not have an online posting of the article. Inside there is an article on Ira Glass from This American Life.

My take is that he won't run so long as Hillary Clinton is in the game. It almost seems like a given that she will be the Democratic candidate. But then many thought Dean was a shoe in, until he howled at the moon.

History may force events in different directions as well. If we are in a shooting war with Iran come primary time, look for a Wesley Clark vs McCain fight. I have trouble thinking the public would want someone without deep military experience if another major conflict is underway.

Now if both parties continue to suffer from various corruption scandals, along with numerous indictments, Obama's star might rise for that too, as someone largely untouched.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a conservative, I fear Obama as a candidate much more than Hillary. She've become a characterture of herself. Obama, however, would at the very least be a tough race for anyone the R's bring to the table. Then again, the R's will have a tough race, regardless.

9:40 AM  

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