04 March, 2006

The Journal Star Editorial Board Still Doesn't Get It

The editorial board seems to think a can of soda hurling from a moving bus is just some 'litter'

Dear reader, a can of soda is not just another piece of 'litter' when tossed from a moving vehicle. The editors point out that Merle could have killed someone by forcing a bus to pull over (nevermind his driving skills, nevermind that the bus should have pulled over due to a motor vehicle 'accident' possibly having occured). Well guess what folks, a can of soda is not an empty McDonald's hamburger wrapper or an empty Wal-Mart bag. At high speeds it has the power of a cannon ball !!!! These kids could have KILLED Merle or any other driver due to their naivete. Maybe it wasn't naivete at all. We will never know because rather than hold a kid accountable they would rather point fingers at the old man who had the balls to stand up and say something. It isn't as if he got out of his car and went charging after the kid. Merle asked for the who was in charge, presuming who was in charge was ... in charge. Instead he got attitude !

These kids were engaged in life threatening behaviour and the editorial board just doesn't get it.


Blogger Mahkno said...

Yes, it was a dumb 12 year old kid. Yes, Merle wanted to be sure the kid understood it was wrong. Yet apparently many feel that is wrong to do these days. That is the crux here. It boggles the mind

If a kid does something stupid, who is it that gets to tell the kid it was stupid and to stop doing it? Don't passing strangers have an obligation to say something? What happened to the 'it takes a village to raise a child' ? There is is profound truth in that phrase.

If a kid is throwing rocks into windows, shouldn't you say something? I sure as hell would and have in one instance did last summer. I hollered the kids, they got smart and I laid into them (verbally). They scurried off and thought it was over. Then I went to the kids house and talked to the parents. Fortunately, they didn't take the tact that seems to be prevailing in this Morton kids case. Those three kids sat in that living room with me and their mother, sweating buckets (figuratively). They were STUNNED that someone would follow up. Their mother laid into them so hard... no problems like that since. Those kids were much more polite afterward too.

It could have gone a different way... the parents could have gotten all defensive and gone off like 'you don't talk about or to my kids like that' BS. Those houses have the worst discipline problems too.

4:58 PM  

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