18 March, 2006

WTF !! Another Wheelbarrow ?!?!

Just today, another wheelbarrow has disappeared in broad daylight in the Uplands. The alley walkers / drivers strike again. WTF is up with stealing wheelbarrows anyways? In one case the the wheelbarrow was sitting in front of a garage, well away from the alley, loaded down with cement. The thieves dumped the cement and took off with it. I think it had a flat tire as well. The one stolen today was being used by the owner, in their yard work. They just stepped in to get a bit to eat. Five or ten minutes later, GONE!

Is there a hot market for these things?
"Hey Gino!"
"You lookin for a wheelbarrow?"
"Yeah man !! I need a new pimp ride for my girl."
"Yo! Check this hot ride out. Utility yellow with a puncture resistant tire."
"ZOMG! Gimme gimme gimme !!"
"$100, cash and it is yours."

Is $30 dollars to buy one of these things, that hard to come up with? Seeing as it is under $500, the police won't do a thing and the bad guys know it.


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